Create a TON Address Tracking Telegram Bot with dTON Webhook


Want to get updates on a TON address's activity? This guide will show you how to create a Telegram bot that can track on-chain activities on TON

We'll use an NFT auction tracker as an example, but the template can be easily adapted for other use cases.

Here's an example of what our example bot will look like:

Telegram Bot to notify about NFT activities

Every time there's a new incoming message to the NFT Auction address, we get notified via Telegram

Setting Up The Bot

1. Create Telegram Bot using @botfather

Create a new bot using /newbot command at @botfather account on Telegram

Create a bot on @botfather

2. Create a Telegram Channel for the bot to send the notification

Create Telegram Channel and Invite Bot

Invite the bot that's been created to the channel and make the bot as admin

3. Fork the repository

Fork this Github repo: Telegram Notification Bot

Or, you can also clone and push to your account

Notice that there are three environment variables you need to set up later


BOT_TOKEN is the token you get from @botfather after creating the bot TELEGRAM_CHANNEL is username of telegram channel created in point 2. Don't forget to put @ in front, such as @telegram_channel

4. Configure the environment variable and deploy using Deno Deploy

  • Go to Deno Deploy
  • Set up the environment variable and connect your github 
  • Deploy
Deno Deploy

5. Set Telegram Webhook and check if the bot is working

Connect your bot to the deployed endpoint using Telegram's setWebhook API<BOT_TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=https://<MY_SUBDOMAIN><BOT_TOKEN>

After webhook is successfully set, you can chat your telegram bot with /start or /ping

If the bot responds, it means you're good to go, you've correctly set up the bot.

Setting up DTON

Subscribe to GraphQL Plan that supports Webhook

  • Go to @dtontech_bot
  • Open the app
  • Purchase plan that supports Webhook

For example, I purchase "Omega" plan

dTON Plans

Track NFT Bidding with DTon Webhook

Let's say we want to track this NFT

We take note that the NFT's auction address is EQAXYZvT-oCUD21K7IAauNiKZPWsTcEiZ2SmLMmeiwV4R5kf

If there's any incoming message to that address, which means that there's activity (such as a new bid), we want to be notified using our Telegram bot.

So we need to register the webhook on DTon to listen to those events.

Register the webhook

To create a webhook you need to send a profile_webhook_setup mutation request to DTon's GraphQL endpoint. You should authorize using your personal graphql key:{your_key}/graphql .

Make sure that you use API key of your GraphQL Plan that you've just subscribed, not the Default one.

In my case, I'm using "Omega Default Key" 

Omega Default Key in API Key

After you get the API key, let's register the webhook using GraphQL API{your_key}/graphql

mutation {
    webhook_id: 1
    endpoint: {your_endpoint}/notify
    filters: {address__friendly_in: ["EQAXYZvT-oCUD21K7IAauNiKZPWsTcEiZ2SmLMmeiwV4R5kf"]}
    fields: ["hash","now","in_msg_src_addr_address_hex__friendly","in_msg_value_grams","in_msg_comment"]
  ) {
    webhook {
GraphQL Response

Change {your_endpoint} with your deployed Deno deploy endpoint with '/notify' path just like what programmed in the bot.

We supply these fields:

  • hash : Transaction hash
  • now : The time of transaction
  • in_msg_src_addr_address_hex__friendly : The source address of the incoming transaction
  • in_msg_value_grams : Amount of grams in the incoming message
  • in_msg_comment : Incoming message comment, such as "bid" which means there's a new bid



Telegram Bot to Alert on NFT Activities

Congrats, you've just set up automated Telegram notification bot using DTon Webhook.

Every time there's a new incoming message on that address, you'll get notified.

You can customize this template to basically any use case you can think of: tracking a wallet address, Jetton activity, or any other things on TON blockchain!

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